Tuesday, 16 July 2013

The Big 1

We had such a fantastic weekend just been! Celebrating with our lovely family and friends, our little man (not so little anymore!) turning 1!
I actually found it all quite confronting. You see, we really do not plan to have anymore kids (not that I would be upset if we did), so this is most likely the last 1st birthday for my own child I will get to throw. Seems silly I know, but this means no more first years... It means hopefully more sleep, and a life with slightly more freedom as our kids grow and we become braver and begin to do things like travel and all that stuff that comes with having big kids.  But no more first years also means no more super cuddly new borns, no more first giggles, or the AMAZING womanly feeling that comes from giving birth.

Anyway, aside from my melancholy nature, this weekend was amazing. It was almost like he knew it was his day on Sunday morning, and the big grin you see on his face above, was pretty much plastered on his face all day long.
Almost as important (not really) as the birthday in general, is the birthday cake. And since we celebrated in the style of little monsters, seemed only fitting we celebrated with a furry, orange 3 eyed monster.
The cake was red velvet, the recipe from Bakerella, who I just love. I used the frosting recipe also, just tinged it orange using Americolor orange gel colour.
And it was DELICIOUS. I took a break from Dukan long enough to eat a piece of this, to celebrate!
Its been almost a month, I have lost 7.2kg, and I totally earnt a piece of cake.

This week, I will be posting all about the cool stuff we did for Hartley's birthday! Stay tuned for information galore, recipes and tips on dealing with a 1 year old who has just had an ear infection, head cold.

Lou xoxo

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