Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Foodie Penpals

So, I just discovered this fantastic idea over in the US, on the Lean Green Bean.

Take a look at the link above. 

If you don't find the time, the basic idea is that on a monthly basis you are given a "penpal", on the 5th of the month, and by the 15th of the month you post a package of foody goodness, whether it be home baking, local goodies or whatever (use your imagination). Then on the 30th of that month, you post about your received goodies!  You must also include something written, whether it be a little letter, information about what is enclosed, or a cool recipe that you would highly recommend. Maximum spend is $15, so you avoid over spending.

I am super interested in this concept. Do you know anyone who is currently doing this here? Or who has tried previously? Would you be interested in being involved in a system like this?

Let me know your thoughts on this, if your keen, if you have any further information, because I am always looking for cool stuff, new ingredients, local goodies from around the country. 

LouLou xoxo

1 comment:

  1. That is pretty cool, might be hard to get stuff posted, but a local swap could be fun?
