Thursday, 9 August 2012

Banana Chocolate Biscuits!

So, the other day, I decided to get rid of some bananas. 
Josh's all time favourite muffin is banana chocolate, so I thought I would make him a treat. 

But... disaster struck... Well, actually laziness struck. My muffin tray was a mess from making wholemeal banana blueberry muffins last week... And I just wanted to bake, like right now.

So, I made biscuits instead. Banana chocolate biscuits. This is a new concept for me, making stuff up as I go. But these are good, like real good. 

Keep in mind at this point, that these biscuits have mashed banana in them, there is no way you are gonna get a thick, crunchy biscuit. These are more like little cakes, in the shape of biscuits. It's also really hard to get them looking "pretty", but if you want something new to try, these are absolutely the way to go. And no muffin tray required!


Banana Chocolate Biscuits

Makes approximately 2 1/2 dozen good sized-biscuits.


2 1/2 cups plain flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup white sugar
1/3 cup brown sugar
120g butter or margarine
2 eggs
3 bananas, mashed
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup milk chocolate bits
1 1/2 cups dark chocolate bits


a. Sift flour, baking powder, salt and baking soda into a bowl and set aside.

b. Cream white sugar, brown sugar and butter/margarine until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add vanilla and mix well.

c. Add mashed bananas and mix in. Add flour mixture and stir until just combined.

d. Add chocolate chips and stir through.

e. Spoon tablespoonfuls onto a greased cookie tray, and bake at 200 degrees C for about 12-15 minutes or until just browning on top.

f. Attempt to not eat straight out of oven- but good luck, I failed miserably at this.

NOTE: I used margarine in this batch, giving it an even more cakey texture, but butter will work a treat, especially if you aren't 100% on the cakey texture in a biscuit. Also, change your combination of dark and milk chocolate to suit. Personally, I would recommend giving it a go just like this though. It works so well!

Well, have a great weekend all, and I will talk to you next week. 
Love to all and God bless,
Louise xoxo

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Attempt 2: The newest blog attempt

Last September I created a blog.
And then I promptly totally forgot about said blog, got pregnant, moved house, and then had a baby.
Now it is August 2012, my blog has only my original post from last September on it, about how much baking I will do, and how much I will be posting on this lovely blog.
So, now that I have moved house, have had my beautiful baby (who is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen), I want to get back into the fun and creative world of blogging.
Over the next months, while breastfeeding, I want to basically learn to get fit, as I actually have no fitness level at the moment. I also want to eat healthily and get back to somewhere near where I used to be.
Mainly though, above all else, I want to look after my family, keep my house tidy, and attempt new recipes and creative DIY projects.

All of the above both excites and terrifies me, but as I am currently at home full time, I need something to keep me busy and feeling useful.

So, my lovely people, what I am trying to explain in a roundabout sort of way, is that I have great hopes that this time I really do mean it. This time I want to post blogs about my life, my projects, my baking and my family. And I want to keep it up most importantly.

My next 2 big projects are going to be Lily's 3rd birthday, which she has decided she would like a princess party. For anyone who has met my daughter, this is the most unsurprising thing ever, as she is just the cutest little girly girl ever at the moment, which I am totally loving about her, as it shows me just how much of her own person she is (since I am so not super girly fun-timeness). So, the princess party will be filled with budget friendly princess projects. And for project number 2, for Lily's christmas present this year, I want to make her a large sized felt board, complete with characters, shapes and maybe letters and numbers that we can use as both an educational activity and as a distraction on the many days we have where we do nothing and go nowhere.

I will be in touch my lovely people.
But now, I am going to clean my house and I have the Plunket nurse visiting in 3 hours, so I might chuck some muffins in the oven. If I do well, I might even take photos and post a blog all about it later on tonight.

Love to all and God bless,


And just in case you don't believe me on how amazingly cute my newest little man is, here is proof. He is utterly delicious!! 

Awwww..... Sleeping baby!!