Saturday, 29 June 2013

Long time no talkies!

Well, it was Lily's birthday last year (November 4, 2012) that I posted my last post.

It's been an amazing year, yet I just sorta ... forgot... to keep up my writing. 

And the thing is, this was quite therapeutic for me, good to get the words out. Feels nice to reach out, connect, make a wee bit of effort. And once you start, when you don't do it, it weighs on you a little bit now and then. And to save myself from continually thinking "gosh, I really should just put some words on my screen and splash it across my blog, it's not that hard." 

I feel really, sincerely bad, that last year I signed up for the Christmas advent giftiness, did all my gifts and posted not one thank you, not one picture of all the amazing gifties I was given from the lovely Amy. She did such an amazing job of putting together 25 gifts that excited me every day for that month. SO, thank you Amy, you did an amazing job, and I have been so horribly neglectful to have not mentioned that before now. 

Hartley turns 1 in just over a week, and I am so not ready to see my (once) tiny baby turn 1. He is so very ready to turn 1. He is crawling at the speed of light, and will pull himself up on just about anything. He is oh so very busy, oh so very handsy, and just a little bitey. He is full of life and so adores his mummy, daddy and big sister Lily (if only in small doses on some days). 

I have a new job, a job that for so long I thought would elude me without more training or learning clever people stuff, which I just could not fathom affording or finding time for.  I work for Forest Management now, in a fantastic staff, doing office work. Goodbye retail! The hours are just so much better, and it makes me feel truly productive and useful.

One of the biggest excitements for us over the past few months, was taking Lily along to Disney on Ice, which was absolutely amazing, I would be lying if I said I didn't tear up slightly at the sight of all the dancing princesses and fire-breathing dragons, and my very excited 3 year old daughter. I also went all out and made Lily a Rapunzel dress from scratch. I may be one of these people who gets a little excited at the prospect of any sort of celebration, and an excuse for costume!

The photo almost does it no justice, but I am so genuinely proud of the effort. 

More tomorrow!
Lou xoxo